
Tuesday, November 15, 2011

My Creative Time - Throwback Thursday Challenge

Hello! I wanted to make sure I got a card made for the Throwback Thursday Challenge over at My Creative Time before my week got crazy. The theme is Kid Friendly, and I made a different card for a dear friends wedding this Saturday, but I had misread and just thought I needed to use a kid-friendly cartridge, not that the project needed to be kid friendly. So...I will post that a little later this week. As an alternative, I made a couple of cards for another friend's two daughters who invited our family to their Nutcracker performance in early December.

I used Twinkle Toes Lite cartridge, and added some cute Peachy Faces to them.

The tags are also from the same cartridge, with some Baker's Twine behind them.

All paper is from Echo Park - Victorian Garden collection - SO pretty! And I pop-dotted the ballerinas and the tags from the background.

The finishing touch is a bit of Tim Holtz distress ink in antique linen around the edges.

Hope you have a great week! I will be busy helping a friend prepare for her wedding this Saturday - my girls and I are all in the wedding! Can't wait!!!


  1. OHHHH! These papers are super duper cute! LOVE those little gals too! FAB cards:)

  2. They are sooo cute! I gotta get that PKS set. Nice job. Thanks for joining us in the MCT ~ Throwback Thursday Challenge :)


  3. Wow! These are just too cute! I love how you used all the patterns and colors!

  4. Awe... These are just precious! You can just hear the piano music playing in the background! Amazing!

  5. YAY YAY YAY YAY!!! You won over at MCT!!! Congrats and way to go :)

