
Friday, February 3, 2012

You are my Favorite!

I made it to get something posted for Friends with Flair on the Unity Blog! Just a quick masculine card!
Used the Unity set Favorite Mustache, and some Basic Grey Paper from the Little Black Dress line. 
I'm not to sure if it worked like I wanted it to, but I decided to just circle one of the mustache's - kind of like it  was my "favorite" - it was too late to undo it, so there it stays! 
Did lots of inking with my Tim Holtz distress ink in Tea Dye. 
And finished off with some machine stitching to tie it all together! 
Hope you enjoyed - and make sure to head over to the Unity blog to find out how to play along for a chance to win some fabulous stamps!!!


  1. This is a gorgeous masculine cars. Love that stamp. Great sewing too.

  2. This is so cute with the mustaches on the bottom! Love it1

  3. Congrats on making it to the FWF today. I love the idea of circling your favorite! It made sense to me before I even read your post. Clever card!

  4. Great card! I must get this stamp set especially now after seeing this!

  5. Your card is really cute, love those mustaches.

  6. Jeesh, if I made a card in a few minutes it would look like, well, like I made it in a few minutes. Nice job.

  7. This is another stunner! The paper choice is perfect and I love the added stiching!

  8. This is a wonderful masculine creation and I love your papers and all your distressing with the Tea Dye Ink.

  9. Great card. It's so fun with the mustaches.

  10. This is so great! LOVE those stamps.

  11. Hi Heather! I really like this card!! SO fun, and the circle was a nice touch. A wonderful masculine card!!

  12. Awesome guy card, I really love the circled mustache!

  13. Great masculine card...and so cute to circle your "Fav"

  14. This is so so cute! So glad you joined in and was able to share this fun card! Love the circled stache!

  15. Ok... The Mustaches... SOOO COOL! Wow! This is such a fun card, but it's still so elegant! Love it!

  16. SUPER fun! I love all the mustaches!!! Great card!
