
Tuesday, July 10, 2012

My Craft Spot Release Party - Day 2 - Thank You Stamp Set

Good morning! I forgot to schedule this post last night, and had to drive my husband to work early this morning while his truck is in the shop - so sorry I'm late getting this posted! I remembered on my way home - and sat down right away to get it done!

But welcome to Day 2 of the party at My Craft Spot! The rest of the Design Team, and I have been having so much fun playing with these new sets! Here is what I made with today's set: 
I used the Cricut Expression Anniversary Edition exclusive pre-loaded cartridge, Just a Note for my cute little critters. I just updated my Gypsy, and was SOOO excited to see it on there, since all my Cricut works comes from there, and I hadn't used this cartridge nearly enough since I didn't have it on there. I know I will be using this lots more now!
I used paper from a My Mind's Eye paper pad, and outlined all the layers with a matching Copic marker for some dimension. Added some cute Peachy Keen faces from the Wide Eyed and Bushy Tailed Face Assortment. 
Added a doily behind, and stamped my sentiment right onto that. Used some Cherry Red Traditional Baker's Twine from My Craft Spot (You can find it HERE) - and a Papertrey Ink Button. 
Finished off with a couple of stick on turquoise pearls in the corners, and matted the checked paper in black on the white card base. 
I am also linking this up to this weeks challenge at Ribbon Carousel - Buttons and Bows!

Well thanks for stopping by this morning! Make sure and check out the rest of the samples from the Design Team, and check out todays giveaway over at My Craft Spot! Have a wonderful day!


  1. Heather ~ this is just ADORABLE! I LOVE the paper you used for the little critters! I really need to look at doilies too ~ I seem to be LOVING them and yours is PERFECTLY done!ADORABLE card with all the details!!!

  2. So cute...those little faces are adorable! Lee-Ann :)

  3. Super cute cad!! Love the doily in the background!!
    sierrababy08 at hotmail dot com

  4. What a super adorable card!! Love those peachy faces and the card LO is simply beautiful!!!

  5. AMAZING and ADORABLE card!! The cute little critters are adorable and love the doily, twine and the sentiment:) Love this!
    Sherrie K

  6. Eeek, those are the cutest chipmunks or squirrels ever! I want to pinch their cheeks and squeeze them. LOL! Fabulous colours and design, Heather!

  7. Cheerful card. Like the colors.
    "Sunshine HoneyBee"

  8. This card is toooooooooo cute. Who wouldn't smile when they looked at it?


  9. Awe - cute images!! How fun. Love your twine treat ment too -thanks for playing with us at the Ribbon Carousel!!
