
Wednesday, April 17, 2013

New Gallery at My Craft Spot

Hello! I didn't get a chance to share this yesterday - but I'm so excited to share with you a new feature over at My Craft Spot - the brand new gallery!!! Such an amazing way to find inspiration!

Robin has spent a lot of time organizing and building this new gallery.  It has hundreds of cards and projects to inspire you!  It is well organized and so easy to use!  (Thanks Robin!!)

Check it out HERE!!

The Gallery is organized by stamp set and by metal die set, so you can get ideas specifically for sets you already own and see ideas for all of the sets on your wish list.  What a fantastic resource!

Click on any picture and it will take you to the original post with instructions or links to a design team blog where you can find more pictures and instructions for each project.  How cool is that?!

This Gallery will be updated weekly, so be sure to visit the gallery often!  :)

Click HERE to visit the new gallery!

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