
Friday, September 12, 2014

Avery Elle AEI{Heart}U Challenge Team!

Good morning! I have been waiting for a little while to share the news - so excited to be joining the Avery Elle challenge design team!!! You can read the news HERE or HERE - and meet the rest of the team! I also thought I would share a card I made a little while ago and hadn't posted using some of my Avery Elle stamps:

I used the stamp set called Brushed to create my paint stroke background, using two shades of Hero Arts ink. Then I built my sentiment and stamped my images over the top with Red and Goldie. The border was created with a Pretty Pink Posh Borders 1 die, and I also added a few 4mm metallic gold sequins. Finished off with some pattern paper from My Mind's Eye, and a bit of Baker's twine with a button tied on.

Thanks for stopping by today! Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Congrats on the DT spot - and an adorable card today too!

  2. Congrats on your happy news! What a great fit! This card is stinky cute! I adore the colors!

  3. Heather, congratulations on the AEI<3U Challenge team! I have loved seeing your AE creations over the past several months, so I am not at all surprised that you caught Jamie's eye as well! You card is so fun- love the paint stroke background!!! Congrats again! :)

  4. Congrats! Such a sweet the brush strokes and the use of the line image.
