
Saturday, October 3, 2015

Blog Birthday Giveaway #3 - Avery Elle

Good evening!!! So - this little blog is celebrating FIVE years this month - on October 20th!!! I can hardly believe it has been that long, and yet in some ways I don't remember not doing this. I have been SOOOO incredibly blessed by all the amazing people I have met through this hobby - and so incredibly lucky to work with some AMAZING products and companies. To celebrate I have lined up TONS of giveaways from some of these amazing places. HUGE thanks to each of them for their generous donations of prizes - I'm super excited to be able to share them with you!

Tonight I am featuring Avery Elle stamps! The owner, Jamie, sent me a brand new Lot of Love stamp set to giveaway! This set was actually one of my first Avery Elle sets - and I loved what a unique Valentine set it was - and I know we are thinking fall and Christmas right now, but Valentine's will be here before we know it! So this set will be very timely for whoever wins! Avery Elle has some phenomenal dies - very unique and versatile that I have been loving! They also have such a fun combination of cute and classy stamps - LOVE the variety you can find, and always look forward to seeing the new releases!

Here is my card to share tonight - actually the card I made for my youngest daughter's 11th birthday - can you tell she LOVES animals?

I'm also playing along with Avery Elle's Challenge blog - this week the challenge is to Think Pink (All the little "woof" words in the background? Stamped in pink if you notice!):

I started off with Furry Friends and stamped a background with several colors of MFT ink and some of the smaller stamp images in the set. I then stamped and colored the dogs, cat, and accessories, colored them with Copics, and fussy cut out. Added a stamped sentiment from Cake & Candles (an awesome birthday sentiment set!) and heat embossed it on a strip of black cardstock. Attached it all with foam adhesive over my stamped background to form the cute little scene. Oh - and my daughter loved it - the real test!

You can enter the giveaway below using Rafflecopter - this is my first time using this method for a giveaway, but since I have so many to do this month I thought it might help make it easier! So - if there are any bumps along the way, please forgive me as I figure them out? 

All giveaways will stay open until the 20th (the official birthday date!) and I will announce all winners that day! If you already follow on Pinterest, Youtube, or Facebook - feel free to leave your name for each day of giveaways, no need to be a new follower only!

Have a wonderful day - and good luck!


  1. Hi Heather, I'm loving your colouring on these cuties and the way you used the paw print for a bg - just adorable! Happy blog birthday!

  2. Adorable card and thanks for the awesome giveaways!

  3. Adorable, as always! You are such a sweet inspiration. Thanks for sharing you anniversary goodness with us.

  4. Your card is super sweet! I am sure your daughter will love it. I know my kids always love any card I make them :)

  5. Very cute card. I like the stamped background. I like to make my loved ones homemade gifts and cards.

  6. What an adorable card! Greating coloring :)
    Showing how much I love my loved ones by being with them, do things with them and send them love notes :)

  7. Super cute Card!! Thanks for the great give aways!!

  8. Adorable card! I am with your daughter on absolutely adoring animals. :) I like to cook for or make cards to show people I love them and am thinking of them. Thanks for a fun giveaway! Big hugs and congrats on 5 years! ~Kristina

  9. Happy birthday and thanks for a chance to win. I love the animal card (and a crabby one you did too!).

  10. I try to cook their favorite meals. I also make cards with what they like. By the way.. this is a very beautiful card!
    Moxie Craftie

  11. Oh my goodness, do I ever love Avery Elle's critters! Your card is super cute, no wonder it passed muster with your daughter.

  12. OMGosh your card is adorable. I bet your daughter loves it! Thanks for sharing.
    I like to leave little thinking of you notes for my family and friends.
    Crafty hugs,

  13. SUPER CUTE card Heather!!!
    Your daughter will LOVE these furry friends, I know I do, LOVE your background too!!!
    I have two ways of showing them my love, {{{ HUGS }}} and handmade cards :)
    THANK YOU for the chance to win.

  14. What an adorable pack of critters!
    My fav way to show my love -- HUGS!
    Next would be pitching in and doing something practical, and giving cards & gifts on unexpected occasions.

  15. Love the card. My sisters and niece are animal lovers they would love it if I made a card like this.

  16. By helping them as much as I can with anything. Being aware of anything they are struggling with and doing it for them is awesome!!

  17. Adorable card ..I love to feed them and snuggle up to them :)

  18. I love sending cards to my friend. Absolutely adorable!
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  19. beautiful card!!
    I'm doing my first GIVEAWAY over at my blog! Be sure to check it out!! :)

  20. Soooooo cute omg!!!!! I show love through acts of service, gifts, and spending time with them.

  21. I always made the birthday person their favorite meal for their birthday.
    My son and husband loved split pea soup. My son knew that my daughter and I didn't so he always asked for that - along with chocolate cake. My daughter didn't retaliate - she asked for lasagna - which everybody loved.
    Cute card.

  22. This is just too cute, Heather! Yeah for 5 years of blogging! I totally agree, it is just a part of life, lol!

  23. My favorite way of showing my family I love them is to make and send them a special card inviting them to dinner/ Once they let me know when they are able to join us I make all of their favorite foods. I make double so that I can send them home with a whole meal that they can cook when they are in a hurry or just need some Momma love!

  24. I make cards for each
    holiday and birthdays
    to send out!
    Carla from Utah

  25. I make cards for each
    holiday and birthdays
    to send out!
    Carla from Utah

  26. Aww what a sweet card, love your critters!
    I like to make a nice meal for loved ones :)

  27. I love baking for my loved ones to show my love.

  28. So adorable! I bet this card could convert anyone into an animal lover! I show them love through actions and sometimes, by whipping up their favorite dishes with my barely there cooking skills. Although the latter is debatable LOL.

  29. I love making them gifts and cooking them homemade meals.

  30. This card melts my heart! I love it! Gorgeous coloring on the cat - great tabby markings! As for the question… I like to sneak the occasional treat or note into hubby's lunch bag so he knows I'm thinking of him.

  31. SUPER Sweet Card!! LOVE your Design and Coloring!! =) THANKS for sharing and have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  32. such a sweet adorable card. I love to bake for my loved ones.

  33. i try to give lots of hugs and tell people i love them as often as possible!

  34. I give hugs, send cards (hand made whenever possible) and make a birthday meal for them.

  35. Darling card!! I love to cook them some good food to show them that I love them.
