
Friday, October 9, 2015

Blog Birthday Giveaway #9 - A MISTI

Good evening!!! So - this little blog is celebrating FIVE years this month - on October 20th!!! I can hardly believe it has been that long, and yet in some ways I don't remember not doing this. I have been SOOOO incredibly blessed by all the amazing people I have met through this hobby - and so incredibly lucky to work with some AMAZING products and companies. To celebrate I have lined up TONS of giveaways from some of these amazing places. HUGE thanks to each of them for their generous donations of prizes - I'm super excited to be able to share them with you!

Big drumroll tonight...the giveaway I have for you is pretty HUGE!!! I am SOOO excited that Iliana at My Sweet Petunia - the inventor of the MISTI (Most Incredible Stamping Tool Invented) has so sweetly agreed to provide a MISTI for one lucky winner of tonight's giveaway! Anyone else excited about this?!?!? If you've never heard of this tool, I have a couple cards to share below, including a video on how to use it to make these cards super easy! I also have a video HERE and HERE on my Youtube channel (with coordinating blog posts) showing two different techniques using it. While the MISTI is incredibly for making lots of cards - like for Christmas cards and such, I actually find I use it far more for special techniques like the ones I share on my videos. I know some people find the price a bit high - but I feel like it has been so worth it for me with some of the fun things I have been able to do with it!

Here is a card (actually 3 in all!) that I made using the MISTI to perfectly position my large sentiment stamp from Mama Elephant's Make a Wish stamp set

Here is that video showing how I put these cards together:

Here is a close up view - see how PERFECTLY the sentiments match up? I know there are probably more ways to do that with other methods - but this makes it SOOO incredibly easy! When I was finished, I used Lil' Inker's Stitched Rectangle Mats to emboss the frame around the edges, using embossing pads and the embossing sandwich on my Cuttlebug so it didn't actually try to cut all the way through. This added the perfect amount of interest to the front of my card!

Because I had all those extra pieces, I went ahead and made 2 other cards using the rest - total of 3 cards, and you saw how fast they went together! Super fun!

And the other color:

You can enter the giveaway below using Rafflecopter - this is my first time using this method for a giveaway, but since I have so many to do this month I thought it might help make it easier! So - if there are any bumps along the way, please forgive me as I figure them out? 

All giveaways will stay open until the 20th (the official birthday date!) and I will announce all winners that day! If you already follow on Pinterest, Youtube, or Facebook - feel free to leave your name for each day of giveaways, no need to be a new follower only!

Have a wonderful day - and good luck!


  1. Love the Blue and green. They go so well with eachother

  2. Im not sure if I should wish you a Happy Birthday or Happy Anniversary! Either way doing something for 5 years is just amazing! Doing something you enjoy and love is Fantastic Congrats and your Blue Green and Aqua card is wonderful!

  3. beautiful card! love this color combo!!

  4. Wow! I love that you were able to do a few cards with this and the sharp blue and green combo makes this so perfect for anyone, but especially good for masculine cards which I struggle with - fantastic technique to use the dies for embossing frames like this! xx

  5. Fantastic graphic card! Oh I need the Misti in my life as I start making Christmas cards.... :)

  6. WOW! Five years! Happy blogaversary! LOVE that graphic card and the chance to win a MISTI. Have a wonderful weekend. Hazel xx

  7. What a great way to make multiples. Thanks for sharing the technique. When I win the MISTI, I will give this a try!! Happy Birthday for 5 years of blogging.

  8. WOW - what an EXCITING way to CREATE three cards in one, SERIOUSLY AWESOME tool too!!!
    LOVE your colours and design, the stitching adds the PERFECT finishing touch!!!
    THANK YOU for sharing your video, you made it look so FAST and EASY to make FABULOUS cards, I'm INSPIRED and keeping my fingers & toes crossed for luck too, hoping I might be a SUPER LUCKY winner :)
    PS - I'm international (Aussie) and postage can be quite expensive, so I fully understand if you decide to not include me.

    1. OOPS - I forgot to say that my favourite technique is to use die cut words, panels and accents. Having a Big Shot is still an exciting novelty to me and I'm loving it. I also have to confess that I'm not that good of a stamper but I'm trying different inks and techniques in an effort to improve. Although it doesn't always work out well, every now and then I get lovely crisp results that I'm proud to put on & in my cards :)

  9. Fantastic graphic card! Oh I need the Misti in my life as I start making Christmas cards.... :)

  10. Great cards again today! Love the MISTI tool and would be thrilled to win this! My favorite technique right now is embossing backgrounds. I have a Cuttlebug and a Big Shot Plus that I use regularly. Then I stamp, color and layer!

  11. What a pretty idea for a card! I have been drooling over the Misti tool, but just can't justify spending the money on one right now. My favorite technique on cards....hmmmm....I can't say I really have one , but I do use SVG files a ton on my cards!

  12. Fantastic! My favorite technique lately has been creating scene panels for my card fronts. Thanks for the great inspiration!

  13. Oh wow! How very generous and amazing!!! Super technique. TFS!!

  14. Nice! I started off impressed with heat embossing and still love it!!

  15. Wow !! All of your cards are so stunning ..Absolutely love those three colors together !!...My fave technique has to be heat embossing ..I can't seem to get enough of it :)

  16. WOW!! My favorite card ever!! Absolutely Gorgeous!! Love he pretty colors. My favorite technique is using die cuts and now coloring..
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  17. OMG this tool looks likes the be ALL to end ALL thanks for chance to win.

  18. I love how you did this! Those colors look wonderful together too! So fun!

  19. I love the boldness!! Such a beautiful card!

  20. Ahhhhmazing! I think i'm the last loser to not have a Misti?! LOL

  21. Great set of colorful cards. I like paper piecing.

  22. My favorite technique is water coloring on my cards!!! What an awesome prize!! Fingers crossed! TFS!

  23. I like to use die cuts on my greeting cards. I pop them off the base with pop dots.
    Happy blogaversary.
    thanks for sharing some wonderful cards.

  24. Making cards is so fun for
    me. I like to use die cuts
    and stickere, stamps on
    them. Most of the time,
    they come out different
    than what I planned!
    Carla from Utah

  25. I just adore the colours for this card!
    My favourite techniques (yes, I have to pick 2!) are using die-cut words layered to have it popped up off the card, especially for the "invisible" look on a patterned or stamped card.
    And at the moment I'm loving watercolour on cards!

  26. Embossing has always been one of my favorite techniques. It makes such a big impact with little effort!

  27. Beautiful card! And what a fab prize .... I've heard loads of good things about the MISTI!
    I love to try different techniques, but die cutting is definitely my favourite!

  28. Wonderful CAS card! My favorite technique is probably embossing.

  29. Love this! My fave technique is Copic coloring or Distress inking.

  30. EEK!! What a prize!! I love die cutting!

  31. Beautiful card!! My favorite technique is to use distress ink blending for the background.
    Moxie Craftie

  32. Wonderful CAS card. Thanks for sharing the tutorial. Love the bold sentiment.

  33. Hi, I so much would love to test the damn cool MISTI tool :) and make it more common in Germany. I love to make boxes and all kinds of tags and cards and it's my birthday in October :). Have a good time, Annette

  34. A MISTI - Yowza! How fab is that?!
    My favorite technique is the stained glass watercolor... Heat emboss, then watercolor.

  35. A Misti for a giveaway, this is extremely generous, thankyou for the chance to win!!!! Love your cards, such a cool way to add interest with no bulk and the colours are gorgeous. I do love die-cutting and heat embossing, so much fun!

  36. Your video is amazing! Love yojr card, too :) MISTI is one of my wish list to get.

  37. Happy Bloggy Birthday!!! Fantastic birthday card---LOVE your color choices and the beautiful font of the sentiment!!! One of my favorite techniques is embossing----especially with gold embossing powder! But I also love paper piecing!

  38. I like the finishing touch of embossing using a die! Just love the extra details!

  39. Love your card. I love water coloring...

  40. *Sigh* I've been trying so hard to resist the MISTI but you're making it really hard… There are so many fun techniques but I really do love paper piecing. :)

  41. Favorite technique...probably embossing. I was recently gifted a ton of different embossing colors and I'm having so much fun using them. My next favorite is using paper scraps. For some reason, I feel like a hero using my scraps LOL

  42. Congrats on such a great milestone. Wishing you many more years. Love the crisp card design. My favorite technique is watercolouring right now.

  43. I usually use at least one stamp and color with either Copics or Zig markers.
    I also usually use at least one die cut, layering paper and most of the time,
    some kind of ribbon or twine.
    Happy month of Blogoversary :-)

  44. Very cool card! Suitable for either gender! Well done!

    1. My favorite technique is heat embossing. My other favorite is the inlay technique for die cuts.

  45. Favorite technique is probably stamping. I know, very general, but really, I'm pretty technique simple, so I just stamp :)

  46. Fun card!! My favorite technique with cards is stamping and coloring.
