
Saturday, January 6, 2018

December 2017 Favorites

Good morning! The past couple years I have had so much fun looking back over the past year and sharing a recap of my favorites from each month - and it's time of year again! It's so fun to see how my style has changed or sometimes stayed the same throughout the year and to be reminded of techniques I haven't tried in a while either. It is also nice to have a little time to catch my breath and spend time with family, and spend a bit less time in the craft room - or at least spend time working ahead for a busy new year! :)

In December 2017, I had 21 posts (not counting favorite posts like these) just on this blog, and every month I had posts on other Design Team blogs! I definitely enjoyed slowing down a bit more this month to enjoy time with family - a much needed and relaxing blessing!

I have posted links to the original post in case you missed it or would like more details! I am also going to box up some surprise goodie boxes filled with some gently used (and a few new) crafty goodies and pick a winner or two from any comments left on these 12 monthly recap posts (not each individual link from these posts!) - so if you're interested, make sure and leave a comment! I'm so grateful for each of you that has been part of this journey for me!

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Original post HERE

Thanks so much for stopping by - have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Beautiful cards :) the soft floral one for ppp is wow!

  2. 2017 was a fantastic year with so many card beauties!! Your LID card with the galaxy background is just stunning.

  3. I appreciate each and every creation of yours, so delightful! Love them all!

  4. So many wonderful cards in this post. I really like the monkey and the galaxy background.

  5. What a fabulous year you've had! I'm just in awe at the sheer number of gorgeous projects you manage to put out AND post!! Amazing!! Looking forward to what you have in store for 2018!

  6. So glad you've done the 12 month recap, you've made some super cards. Can't wait to follow you over this year, keep it up as I'll be watching closely.

  7. Holy moly, these are incredible!

  8. I love your year end recaps! Love looking at them again and also get to see some posts I may have missed!

  9. Your cards are so beautiful. Love the recap. Thank you so much for sharing.

  10. Gorgeous cards! I enjoyed looking back at all your beautiful designs.

  11. What a lovely end of choices from December!! Each month was amazing! I especially love the colorful trees!!

  12. What a great selection from December! I especially love the giraffe!

  13. Amazing backgrounds on your cards! Always love your Year in review!

  14. All your cards are beautiful ! You’re so talented !!

  15. Really lovely cards. Such creativity.. It must be hard especially around holidays being on so many design teams. Thanks for sharing your progress by month. .Its been fun looking back

  16. Wow Heather... all of these cards are beautiful and stunning.
    Great designs and fabulous work on coloring.
    Thank you so much for sharing all the inspirations in 2017!

  17. Such a beautiful collection of artwork! Always creative and inspirational! Love your colorful style!

  18. Such beautiful cards! I love that giraffe with the scarf!

  19. What an amazing 2017 series this has been!! A real treat to revisit. All your cards are gorgeous, but the bright colors of that Unity one at the top of the post is a fave. So vibrant!! Thank you for the fun time seeing some of your favorites throughout the year!!
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  20. Great cards! I especially like the cute monkey one. 😀
