
Saturday, October 13, 2018

Joy and Peace Cactus - Unity Stamp Company

Good morning! Stopping by this morning with a super simple card that I actually made a while back, and hadn't gotten blogged yet, since I wanted to take plenty of time to get all the Copics I used listed! This is an almost completely one layer card - and nice and flat and simple to mail. I basically spent my time coloring the image from the Unity Stamp Company June 2018 Kit of the Month nice and leisurely with Copic markers. Kind of fun!

I think I used nearly every green Copic in my stash for this! It was kind of fun to mix the different variations of green together! And of course, traditional terra cotta pots!

Product links are all below - including affiliate links where possible, which simply means if you use one of the links below, I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks so much for stopping by - have a wonderful day!!!

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