
Sunday, October 2, 2011

A couple more rainbow cards...

Looking for the Scrappy Moms Stamps World Cardmaking Day Blog Hop? Click HERE or scroll down 2 posts!

Hello! I just noticed that there are STILL only 2 entries in the challenge over at Erin Lee Creative! It is a rainbow challenge, and I already entered once, so don't know if this will be valid or not, but I wanted to bring it to your attention, in case you have some time to whip something together - there is about 22 hours left to enter - and there is a FABULOUS prize!!! So head on over HERE if you get the chance and check it out!!!

These are two more that I submitted for the last Paper Crafts Magazine submission call. Obviously, neither of them were picked up, but I still LOVE how they came out!!! I used my Cricut and Gypsy to weld the cards, and the windows for the card fronts. This first one I used rainbow twine to layer behind the butterflies, by wrapping it around squares of cardstock. Then I added a sentiment from Unity Stamps.

The second one, I cut out rainbow colored butterflies, ran them through my Cuttlebug, and glued them behind the window frame, which I pop-dotted from the background. Also added a sentiment from Unity Stamp Co.

So Erin, if it is limited to only 1 entry, feel free to ignore this one, but I had these ready and waiting to be posted, and hoped that maybe someone else would be inspired to join in with you if they saw this!!! Thanks for a challenge that allowed these to be shared!!!


  1. I love these 2 cards! So bright and colorful! I should use my Gypsy in more creative ways like this!

  2. THESE are FANTASTIC!!! Thank you so much for stopping by my blog! I love Echo Park too!

  3. These are beautiful!!! :-)

  4. Both cards are so bright and cheery! Love them both! :o)


  5. best cards i've seen in a long time! wowza!
