
Friday, January 13, 2012

Friends with Flair - Bright Butterflies!

Good Friday Morning! It's time for Unity Friends with Flair - I have been busy lately, so I was excited to play along this time! Here is my card:
For the background paper, I stamped the butterfly image in versamark ink, embossed with clear powder, then colored in stripes over the top using a ruler and my Copic markers. The embossing resists the ink, so you can still see the butterflies! 
I then stamped the sentiment right over the copics, matted it on black paper, then adhered it to the card base. 
Finished off by stamping, coloring, and fussy cutting out another butterfly, then glueing just the center to the card, and curling up the wings a bit. 
I had submitted this to the PaperCrafts Magazine's last submission call - but no luck! I plan to keep trying, and one of these days, well, you never know! In the meantime - make sure and head over to the Unity Stamp Company Blog to get the details on how to join in with Friends with Flair and win some prizes!!!


  1. I love the bright bold colors! Love the focal image! Keep trying it's all about what they are looking for to coordinate with their layouts!

  2. The diagonal stripes are wonderful, and the perfect back drop for your butterfly and sentiment.

  3. Love the stripes and the vibrant colors!

  4. Well, the sentiment explains it very well. It's PERFECT! I really love the way you did the background paper. I haven't done that for a long time, but I am thinking it needs to come back in our craft room. I have never done the stripes before though, so thanks for sharing that!

  5. Hi Heather! I think this is such a pretty card!! Love the strips which matches the butterfly. Great colour combo.

  6. This is absolutely gorgeous! Such great colors!

  7. Love this colour scheme that you have created. Great card.

  8. super rainbow butterfly very pretty!

  9. It's beautiful!! I thought that you had cut strips out of PP..and I won't tell you what I *thought* you did to get the butterfly images. :o

  10. I really love this card. PaperCrafts was crazy not to pick it.

  11. LOVE LOVE those colors!!! Sorry it was not picked up it's fabulous!

  12. I think this card is fantastic and I love those colors! Keep trying, with your talent I know you will be published in no time!

  13. I love your copic resist butterfly background. The bright colours are gorgeous and so striking together. Just Beautiful

  14. Wow. ditto the other comments regarding the awesomeness of the colors!

  15. Cheery and the bright colors!

  16. AMAZING! Love the colors and the design! :)
