
Saturday, November 3, 2012

November Peachy Keen Sneak Peeks!

Good morning!!! It is a fun day for me - because I have the joy of sharing some samples from the new November Peachy Keen release! As always - lots of fun and oh-so-adorable images in this release! I can't wait to play more - but since we are celebrating my brother-in-laws wedding today, this was all I could get done before leaving! I can promise that you will be seeing more of these stamps as soon as I get home and have a chance to get inky again! For now though, here is what I got made:
Oh - but I love me a Peachy snowman!!! And this one is so darling! It is from the new November Kit of the Month. I stamped it and the sentiment on white cardstock, then cut and embossed with a Spellbinder's Nestabilities die. I left the die on, and inked with some Tim Holtz distress ink in spun sugar before removing the die.
Next, I colored her up with Copics in soft pretty colors, then since I didn't have pearls in the color I wanted, I colored those with a Copic marker as well! 
The snowflake paper is from a My Mind's Eye 6x6 paper pad I picked up on clearance last year after Christmas.  
I attached some lace trim from Ribbon Carousel behind it, then attached it with foam adhesive to my cardbase, made with Bazzil cardstock. I also attached the image panel with foam adhesive, so this card is nice and thick! Just the way I like it! 
Next up, I used one of the add-on kits for the month! I kind of like penguins a lot too! 
I did the same thing with the Spellbinder's Die, only I used Broken China distress ink. 
I also colored him a bit with Copics (don't look too close...I was a little messy on the scarf I just noticed!) 
The paper on this one is from the same My Mind's Eye 6x6 paper pad. 
I also finished this one off with some more lace from Ribbon Carousel, some red Baker's Twine from the Twinery, and a Papertrey Ink button! 
I love this color combo! Something about red and turquoise just makes me happy! Anyway - thanks for dropping by today! Make sure and head over to the Peachy Keen blog to check out the rest of the sneak peeks from the Design Team! 


  1. Thanks for these great sneak peaks Heather!They are just ADORABLE!!!:)

  2. Both are so adorable...I can't even choose a fav! Lee-Ann :)

  3. Your cards are so pretty, Heather! I know you are anxious to play more and I can't wait to see what you create! ~Hugs, Saundra :)

  4. Heather
    Beautiful cards! I love the lace!

  5. these cards are so sweet. Great coloring.

  6. Your cards are so pretty! I love the colors combos you used on both your cards:) I can't wait for the release party tonight:)

    Peace, Love, & Cricut Hugs!
    Monica L.

  7. Heather ~ both of these are ADORABLE!! I am so partial to snowman but my BFF is a penguin girl!! So you just made my day! I need these BOTh for sure!! I just LOVE how you used the lace around the edge of the snowman card!! Everything you do is simply AMAZNG!! I hope the wedding was wonderful! Happy Monday!!!

  8. Heather these cards are incredibly amazing!! You have a talent for putting pattern papers together!! Gorgeous Job!!
    TFS!! Take Care!!
    Jennie @

  9. Love your cards! Great colors and those faces are darling!
