
Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Cutie Pie Glasses

Just popping in to quickly share a card I managed to squeeze in making this morning! Sweet Stamp Shop posted on their Facebook page a giveaway - you just had to post a brand new never seen card using their stamps to the Facebook page before noon to have a chance to win. So...this is what I whipped out:
Used my Lil' Inker's stitched rectangle dies to add the stitching to the cardbase, as well as for the center panel. Stamped the glasses from a Sweet Stamp Shop set three times using some new Versamagic Ink I picked up yesterday at Joann's (which is 2 hours away!!!)
 Pattern Paper is from Basic Grey, sentiment stamped with MFT ink. Tucked in a doily, added the sequins, added a bit of washi, and that's it! I tried REALLY hard to keep it flat and mail-able...not sure if the sequins count, but it's close!
Hope your day is going well!

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