
Monday, May 6, 2013

God made the horse...

Hello!  I hope you have been joining in with the challenges for NSD over at Shop Pumpkin Spice! The challenges are still open through Friday - there are plenty of choice to join in with, and one winner from each challenge wins a $20 gift certificate!!! I am sharing a card for Denine's challenge - Create a Card with an Animal - and also linking this up with the Wonder of Watercolor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World.
I don't think there is any little girl that doesn't go through a phase of loving horses - and I love how this Phyllis Harris image from Unity Stamps captures that love!
I created the background by placing some Tim Holtz distress ink on a nonstick matte, then brushing it on with a water brush on Watercolor paper. 
After it dried, I stamped the image and sentiment over the top with Versafine ink for super good coverage. 
Matted in black and white, then attached to a kraft paper card base. Finished off with a couple sequins - just because I couldn't resist!
Thanks for stopping by! Hope you are having a wonderful day!!!


  1. Your cards are SO amazing, Heather. I apologize for always asking you to link up here, but your work is just so delightful that I want to give everyone else the opportunity to enjoy your talents and wonderful creations. THanks for stopping by to share this week, and please know that I am SO VERY GRATEFUL each and every time you share with us. Hope you don't mind when I invite/encourage you to link up. THanks for sharing another SUPER card. May God bless you with His goodness and love as you create and share the talents that HE has given to you.
    Word Art Wednesday

  2. Absolutely AMAZING!!!This is gorgeous! Hugs, Leanne

  3. Heather,
    We lived in Alberta for some time and that windswept hair and mane brought it all back to me. You have captured the true essence of the day with this very wonderful card.
    Thank you for posting with us at Word Art Wednesday; we really love seeing your wonderful work and we appreciate you taking time to join us.
    Carole Robb Bisson
    Word Art Wednesday

  4. Hey Heather! Thanks for linking this up to the Wonder of Watercolor Challenge in the Moxie Fab World! I'm so glad you joined in on all the fun! :)
