
Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Hello - I'm back!

Good afternoon! Whew...moving is a lot of work! We have now been in our house for an entire week, and I can probably say we are a little over halfway unpacked - and slowly continuing to dig our way out of boxes! We have taken a little bit of time out to get a Christmas tree, make a gingerbread house, and spend time with family, as well as get started on homeschooling in between. I also seem to have been knocked down with a nasty cold that has stolen my voice, which is a bit inconvenient! 

But, in the middle of it all, I have been itching to get crafty and make a card! So, even though my craft room is FAR from unpacked and set up, I was able to scrounge a few limited supplies, and sat on the floor and put this together for a couple challenges that I have been watching roll by:

The first challenge was one I saw this morning - the brand new Runway Inspired Challenge:

Next up, I loved the new Altenew Challenge (and was super excited to be one of the winners of last month's challenge!) - and though it's hard to see in the photo, the sentiment is stamped in gray ink, since I couldn't find a black ink pad!

I also added some bling I happened to find, so I thought I would link this up to the Simon Says Wednesday Challenge - Bling it On:

I used two new Altenew sets that I received in the mail but hadn't had a chance to ink up before moving - Lacy Scrolls and Sentiments and Quotes. I found my PTI inks, so I used those, adding two shades of colors for depth, and stamping off some of the leaves. Added some pattern paper from an American Crafts paper pad, and a bit of bling from Eyelet Outlet.

Thanks for stopping by today! I will be back soon with a winner from the World Card Making Day Winner hop - sorry I'm late, but even though we have been in our house for a week, we only JUST got internet today. I have a lot of catching up to do!
Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. beautiful :) - how did you live without internet for a week!?!?!?!?! lol

  2. Glad to hear that you made great PROGRESS with the move, Heather! Your card is absolutely gorgeous! The stamping is lovely with the different shades and tones! Thanks so much for playing Simon Says Stamp Wednesday “Bling It On” Challenge! Hope you feel better!

  3. I hope you feel better and you get everything set just the way you want it, wonderful card!

  4. Lovely card! Hope you get all settled in before Christmas!

  5. Beautiful!! Love the two toned stamping! Congrats on your move, moving can take so much out of you! So sorry to hear your under the weather, hope your feeling better soon:)

  6. WOW! Who would've thought such a masterpiece could be created with limited supplies and while sitting on the floor?? I am thoroughly impressed! Moving is such a pain, but I'm glad that you're settling in and able to craft amidst the chaos! I really like how the flower image has such varying layers of color-- bright spots and more subtle spots. It creates a great sense of depth and the sentiment matches perfectly. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us here at the Simon Says Stamp Monday Challenge Blog!

  7. Love those wonderful blooms and so impressive that you created them with limited supplies! Thanks for strutting your stuff with us at Runway Inspired Challenge!

  8. Such a lovely and serene sympathy card. Thanks for joining us on the Runway!
