
Monday, August 3, 2015

Exciting Adoption Update for our Family

Good morning! I'm super excited to finally have permission to share some photos of my brand new sweet niece - Chloe Xing Meng! My brother and sis-in-law are still in China completing everything they need to before they can come home, but she is officially theirs now! I had to share a few photos with you - these first two are from a while ago, so she is a little older - but they were too beautiful not to share!

Together at last - Chloe with her forever mommy and daddy:

My brother - holding his daughter! How full it makes my heart to say that!!!

I don't know if you are aware - but Unity Stamp Company has a BEAUTIFUL stamp set called Born in my heart that is just perfect for adoption cards and art! This has been a long process - I made this wall art nearly 3 years ago for them with it!

{Original Post HERE}

And earlier this year, I made this card with the same set for my mom to give my sis-in-law for Mother's Day along with a quilt she made for Chloe - at this point, they knew and had seen pictures, and were just waiting for official travel approval.

{Original Post HERE}

Thanks for letting me stop by and share my joy with you today! Hope you are having a wonderful start to your week!!!


  1. This is so sweet!! Wish them all happiness and blessings 😊

  2. She is just darling! Congratulations to your family!!!

  3. What a beautiful post, and a beautiful little girl! Congratulations to all!
