
Sunday, October 11, 2015

Blog Birthday Giveaway #11 - Pretty Pink Posh

Good evening!!! So - this little blog is celebrating FIVE years this month - on October 20th!!! I can hardly believe it has been that long, and yet in some ways I don't remember not doing this. I have been SOOOO incredibly blessed by all the amazing people I have met through this hobby - and so incredibly lucky to work with some AMAZING products and companies. To celebrate I have lined up TONS of giveaways from some of these amazing places. HUGE thanks to each of them for their generous donations of prizes - I'm super excited to be able to share them with you!

Sorry I'm a bit late with tonight's post - we had a baby shower to go to, and I just got home to work on it! Tonight's giveaway is from (as always!) another one of my favorite companies - Pretty Pink Posh!!! Paulina was super sweet to provide a $25 gift certificate for my to give away! Pretty Pink Posh is well known for beautiful sequins and lovely mixes of colors, seed beads (super fun for shaker cards!), adorable die cuts, and the recent new addition - dew drops! She also has a blog full of wonderful inspiration, and a DT that always puts her product to beautiful use. No shortage of inspiration - that's for sure! I was so excited to be invited to guest design for her last release, and again for the current release (available in the store, and a blog hop later this week to celebrate!). The Facebook group for the release later this week (find it HERE) is full of giveaways and fun!

I made the card below using my very favorite sequins - the sparkling clear, and one of my favorite dies from Pretty Pink Posh - LOVE that edge!

The Sparkling Clear sequins come in a variety of sizes - I love to mix and match them on my cards, like this one! I added a sprinkling around my watercolored image from Wplus9's A New Day stamp set. My favorite way to attach them is with Glossy Accents - but I've heard lots of different methods - so I suggest trying lots to find what you prefer! I also used one of the edge dies from Stitched Borders 2 - I love this pretty stitched scallop! Finished off with some Crate Paper pattern paper, a bit of jute twine, and a rounded corner.

I am also linking this up with Virginia's View Challenge - All Things Colored:

Here is tonight's giveaway:

You can enter the giveaway below using Rafflecopter - this is my first time using this method for a giveaway, but since I have so many to do this month I thought it might help make it easier! So - if there are any bumps along the way, please forgive me as I figure them out? 

All giveaways will stay open until the 20th (the official birthday date!) and I will announce all winners that day! If you already follow on Pinterest, Youtube, or Facebook - feel free to leave your name for each day of giveaways, no need to be a new follower only!

Have a wonderful day - and good luck!


  1. Beautiful card! Lovely water colouring. :)

  2. Wow! Absolutely love your coloring on this. it's so beautiful. My favorite way to use sequins is mostly on cards. I seem to be using it on my every creation!!

  3. Fave way to use sequins is by using them inside a shaker card! :)
    Suchi xx

  4. I love using sequins on the front of a card or in a shaker card...

  5. What a beautiful card! Love that bird and the bold stripe against the delicate border edge. I most like to use sequins in shaker pockets on cards. Hugs, Kristina

  6. This is gorgeous coloring card. Love your bird so much!
    I love using sequins as shaker filler and finishing touch to the card :)

  7. What a beautiful card! Love that bird and the bold stripe against the delicate border edge. I most like to use sequins in shaker pockets on cards. Hugs, Kristina

  8. Gorgeous card! I am in awe of your talent, that's for sure! Love this bird stamp, and your coloring, and the PPP sequins are the perfect accent for this card! My favorite way to use sequins is in shaker cards. I just love making them!

  9. So pretty to look at! I love this wash of color choices!

  10. How pretty! Love this cute bird, adorable coloring and beautiful border! I love using sequins to embellish my cards or as a shaker filler!

  11. Pretty Card!! I need to get some sequins!

  12. BEAUTIFUL card Heather!!!
    Your bird is lovely and your delicate background perfect with the lacy edge & scattered sequins - LOVE IT!!!
    Funny you should ask about sequins ... I just finished making a shaker this afternoon :) Although they are fun, now that I have some different adhesives, my favourite way to use them is as a sparkling accent, just like you have done today. I treasure my PPP sequins and always make sure I have plenty of my must-have sparkling clear ones on hand.
    THANK YOU for sharing your card and for giving us the chance to win too!!!

    1. PS - hope you had fun at the baby shower. We welcomed another baby niece to our family in May and it is always a precious time :)

  13. Your card is so pretty, Heather! Love the watercolor!!

  14. Soooo pretty!!! I love sequins! I have so many. I love making shaker cards :)

  15. Your bird is so beautifully colored, it makes for a lovely card! Love the sparkling clear sequins, they are my favorite.

  16. I love sequins for that little extra sparkle on a card and especially for shaker cards!

  17. I use sequins on my greeting cards. I like to sprinkle them around like you did on this card or use them to highlight centers of flowers.
    this card is beautiful. the bird is colored so wonderfully. the colors are soft and restful.
    Love it.
    thanks for sharing and Happy Blogaversary.

  18. Congrats to You and House Built of Cards. My 5 year is also on the 20th. Sequins are fun to use in shaker cards and to cover little mistakes when making a background. The bird you watercolored is beautiful

  19. Very beautiful card!! I love to use sequins as accents on my cards!! I also love to use them in shaker elements.
    Moxie Craftie

  20. Amazing design with this beautiful stamp! Lovely!!!

  21. How very lovely! I like to use sequins as accents and as centers for flowers. I also like using flower shaped sequins in among stamped flowers.

  22. Lovely card. I like the mix in size of the sequins. I like to use sequins on cards like on yours.

  23. Such a delicate look with the doily and sequins, yet colourful and striking too! LOVE sequins, clear ones are the BEST because it maintains the clean look. I love to use them randomly, ideally with three different sizes, sort of scattered, yet with plenty of clean space too. A tiny smudge of ink can be taken care of with a well placed sequin! :)

  24. This is a beautiful card love the colors of the bird! I love to use sequins for shakers or for embellishments!

  25. Darling card! I love the stripes peeking from underneath. I usually use sequins in shaker cards.

  26. A gorgeous card with such lovely details. I love to use sequins on my shaker cards.
    Have a blessed day,
    Crafting With Creative M

  27. Beautiful card!! Congrats of 5yrs. I hope that will be me someday. I love using PPP sequins on front of card and in shaker cards that I need to do more of but hoard my sequins haha.

  28. I absolutely ADORE Pretty Pink Posh!!! Her sequins are the best out there and her dies are innovative and fun!! My favorite ways to use sequins is to put them in the centers of flowers, covering up boo-boos, adding a little bit of sparkle to a card and SHAKER CARDS!!! Using them in shaker cards adds more fun or more class to the card depending on what angle you want!!!! Thanks for the chance to go on a little sequin spree! :-)

  29. The sequins are so pretty! I haven't used them on my cards or scrapbook layouts, but now I want to!

  30. I love using sequins on ornaments the best I havent used them any other way.

  31. Sequins are the first thing I reach for to bring a little summin', summin' to my cards! I use a lot in shaker cards to.

  32. I love to use sequins on my cards! Your card is beautiful :)

  33. Such a GORGEOUS card! I love the bird, it is beautifully colored!

  34. This comment has been removed by the author.

  35. Gorgeous colouring and I like the soft grey wash in the background. I also like the two different sized sequins - must check out PPP. I'm pretty new to using sequins on my cards and only have one size. I think getting other sizes will help me to use them more.

  36. Simple and elegant creation. The bird stamp and its coloring is awesome. I use sequins to embellish the card.

  37. I love using them on cards or in scrapbooks.

  38. Sparkling clear I also my favorite. My favorite way to use sequins is in shaker cards.

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Beautiful card love the bird. Love the marshmallow sequins.

  41. gorgeous card I love using sequins on cards for extra sparkle

  42. A really pretty card. I love PPP's sequins, they add just the right sparkle. Congrats of 5 years!

  43. I just love that bird stamp and love the colours you used to bring it to life. I use sequins to embellish nearly every one of my cards. And I love to make shaker cards and they are perfect for that too!!

  44. Beautiful card! Happy birthday to you!

  45. Oh VERY pretty! I love those clear sequins. They are the perfect touch!

  46. AMAZING Card!! LOVE LOVE LOVE All of the Colors!! THANKS SO MUCH for sharing and for the chance to WIN!! Have a FABULOUS WEEKEND!! =)

  47. Beautiful.. thanks for sharing..

  48. My favourite way used to be in shaker cards but I have caught onto the craze of putting them on my card fronts!

  49. Very lovely card :-)
    I like to add an odd number in "random" areas of my cards to
    draw the eyes from left to right.

  50. Like to embellish my cards with sequins, especially the sparkling clear ones!
    Thanks for the chance to win another awesome giveaway!

  51. I like to use them to add a bit of sparkle to cards with water accents.

  52. I love to make shaker cards with sequins!

  53. Such a gorgeous card! Love it! I use sequins for shakers and to embellish my cards! I love the sparkling clear ones! Thank you very much for a chance to win! XX

  54. love the sentiment and the doily boarder!
