
Thursday, May 19, 2016

Loads of Fun

Good morning! I recently had a request for a special card - a friend of mine wanted a thank you card for a friend who has been letting her do laundry at her house for quite some time while they went about building their new house. It was the perfect excuse to order up the adorable Loads of Fun stamp set from Lawn Fawn which I had been eyeing for a while anyway!

I also linking this up to the current Lawnscaping Challenge: Sparkle it Up (clear droplets and beads in the washing machine):

I stamped the washing machine and used a circle die to cut out the center, then fussy cut it out, along with the basket, and lots of extra socks and underwear.

I made the washing machine a shaker for the card - filled with clear seed beads - love how they look like bubbles. And the droplets on the outside look like BIGGER bubbles! Oh - and the socks and underwear on the inside aren't attached - so they are part of the shaker too! Fun, right? Also added Glossy Accents to the buttons on the machine.

Finished off with the sentiment white embossed on gray, a strip of gray under the bottom corner - and I used Copics on the gray to color a shadow for the washing machine to sit on.

Here are links to the products I used on this including affiliate links where possible. Thanks for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!!!


  1. Love how you used the clear droplets and clear seed beads to give the look of bubbles inside the washing machine and floating around! They definitely complete the card. TFS :)

  2. This is very sweet! I love the color palette and those seed beads inside the washing machine really look like bubbles! Thanks so much for playing with us at Lawnscaping Challenges!

  3. This is darling! I adore the colors you used!
