
Monday, March 11, 2019

Rainbow Alcohol Ink Gnome Card - on the Unity Blog

Good morning! Stopping by today with a quick look at my card for this week's video tutorial on the Unity Stamp Company Blog this morning! I hope you aren't tired of alcohol inks yet - I may still have one or two more tutorials coming in the future weeks as well! This was a fun rainbow background effect - so very fun! You can check out all the details HERE!

Thanks for stopping by - have a wonderful day!


  1. Darling card! Loving gnomes and the colorful technique! Thanks for sharing! Welcome Spring and Hope you have a great week ahead!

  2. Such a bright, colourful, happy card ! Thanks for the video as well.

  3. The more you use alcohol inks the harder it is getting to resist getting them!! Holding strong for now, let’s see how long I last 🤣
