
Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Reverse Confetti January Release Blog Hop - Craftiness is Happiness

Good morning! It's time! The NEW January Release is live at Reverse Confetti - and the DT (and some special guests!) are hopping with even more inspiration for you!

Today I'm sharing this card with a stamped background I created - and LOTS of Copic coloring!

For this card, I used the adorable new Crafty Critters stamp set - but instead of using the critters, I used all the smaller elements in the stamp set to stamp out a background. I started off by clustering the four little images together, stamping them, then continuing to arrange them around , stamp, then move again - until I had covered my entire background.

Next, I just took my time and had fun coloring them in with Copics. Once I had colored each of the little images in, I used two shades of blue Copics to color around the images and turn the background blue. I used the lighter shade to color everything, then the darker shade to add shadows aroun each image. While it took a while to color everything in, I was so happy with how it came out!

Finally, I heat embossed a sentiment from the same set on Midnight cardstock, trimmed it into a thin strip, then mounted with foam adhesive over the background, tucking a bundle of gold thread underneath. Finished off with a few sparkly clear sequins tucked around the sentiment, then mounted on a white cardbase, leaving an ever so tiny border around the outside edges to make it pop.

Here is a peek at the new product I used that released today!

Here is the entire list of everyone participating today:

Product links are all below - including affiliate links where possible, which simply means if you use one of the links below that I receive a small commission at no additional cost to you. Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful day!!!