
Thursday, January 16, 2020

Year in Review Blog Winner

Good morning! It's time to announce a winners from my Year in Review posts! Thanks SOOOO much for EACH and EVERY comment you left! I particularly enjoyed reading where everyone was from - and was surprised by how many different countries were represented! I wish I could have responded to each of you with my thanks! :)

YAY! Huge congratulations to the winner! Please send me an email at with your mailing info, and I will plan on getting this mailed once I get home from Creativation!

Make sure and swing by my Instagram - I'll be announcing a winner over there today too! :)

Thanks so much for coming by today! Have a WONDERFUL day!!!


  1. Congrats to the winner! Yay!!
    Have a wonderful day,
    Migdalia Rodriguez
    Migdalia's Crafts

  2. Oh wow! What a surprise 😍😍 patiently waiting for you to get back, I’ll message you then so it doesn’t get lost in your messages!
