
Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Favorites - March 2015 - GIVEAWAY

Good morning! As much as I have tried - the end of this year has been super busy around our house, and I haven't had as much time to craft as I wanted to some days. But, I decided that spending time with family and friends is WAY more important, so I'm going to relax and just enjoy this time! That being said - we are getting ready to head out of town this week and visit friends over the New Year, so instead of leaving the blog dead and quiet - I thought I would take this time to recap some of my favorite cards from this past year - month by month!

I have posted links to the original post in case you missed it or would like more details! I am also going to box up some surprise goodie boxes and pick some winners from any comments left on these 12 monthly recap posts (not each individual link from these posts!) - so if you're interested, make sure and leave a comment! I so appreciate each and every one of you that takes the time to stop by, and read each and every comment you leave. They bring me joy and make me smile - so thank you!

Original post HERE

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Thanks so much for stopping by - Happy New Year!!!


  1. Gorgeous cards once again Heather! Again I am loving the LF Wheelie like you, crazy birds always make me smile but I also love the Altenew Vintage to say...I love them all! TFS

  2. Another fabulous batch of projects! I have a crush on those blue roses and the glittery elephant makes me smile!

  3. Love these all, Heather! The Star Wars card is super! Gotta check it out... TFS!

  4. Great cards! Hard to pick a favorite.

  5. I LOVE THEM ALL! So creative and fabulous! The blue roses are so beautiful!! The little girl with the giraffe warms my heart! Thank you for sharing! XXXX

  6. Another great set of cards! Of course I love the galaxy far away one, also love your controlled use of glitter.

  7. Love the blue elephant.
    I have the Crazy birds set but haven't used it. Glad to get a reminder to get it out and do something with it.
    Great set of cards.
    thanks for sharing.

  8. Beautiful cards! My favorites are the feather and hamster cards.

  9. I like the layers on your cards. Today my fave is the sweet elephant with the balloon.

  10. Another group of awesome cards! Love those fun Crazy Birds! At first when they were released, I didn't like them at all.... but they certainly have grown on me! Love the coloring you did on them!

  11. So many awesome cards! I love all the layers you put together - I so need help with that! My kiddos would LOVE that Star Wars card! :-)

  12. Absolutely terrific collection from March! I love the blue hues, my fave color! Love the cute paper pieced elephant, crazy birds, vintage roses and many more......surely love them all!

  13. Those blue roses are gorgeous, as is the card with the embossed feather on vellum. My favorites are the cards with the little girl. She is so sweet!

  14. Your blue vintage card is one of my all time favorites, Heather, and I've pinned a few of these - when I see a whole batch of your creations all together like this, it just emphasizes how you manage to whip up a fab mix of colour, design, layout, and freshness every single time!!! xx

  15. Such a variety of pretty cards, love the high heel card!!

  16. Oh my gosh, I love this batch! Layers upon layers and such beautiful compositions. I look forward to your posts in my in box. They give me inspiration to get into my happy crafting space every day!! God Bless you,

  17. Your cards are just wonderful. So creative.

  18. Seeing all your cards together makes it feel like a party! Love the variety of stamps and techniques, and happy designs. My favorite is the Galaxy Far Far Away!

  19. Wow... Another amazing 12 cards! Love the various themes of them this month :)

  20. I found it hard to pick a favorite from these cards. I do think the floral card with Lincoln quote is absolutely gorgeous. Nice, vivid colors!

  21. That high heel card is so much fun and I love the hamster too!

  22. What a fabulous look back at your favorites! I love that sparkly elephant!

  23. Thank you for posting so many of your beautiful works of card art, Heather! I apologize for not stopping and commenting more often this year, but I have surely been inspired and impressed by your cards as they've appeared in my reader!! I wish you all the best in the new year!! Hugs, Darnell

  24. All of them are beautiful! It must be hard to select just a few of your awesome cards! TFS

  25. Oh, my....those blue roses are just amazing!!! Love the sentiment, too.
    <3 J

    jwoolbright at gmail dot com

  26. OH I love your Star Wars card, (I may have to CAS that!) lol.

  27. Love all these gorgeous cards, my favorite is the purple roses one with the Lincoln quote. Very classy and elegant, love the color combo!

  28. I love that purple one most!! :)

  29. So many amazing card in this lot, very hard to choose a favourite!! Love the blue/purple roses. And the card with the lime green frames with the gold heart banners is spectacular!!

  30. Beautiful!! Love how you used different layers!! And the use of die cuts for the background is lovely!
    Moxie Craftie
